Mansour Ciss Kanakassy
Mansour Ciss Kanakassy is a mix media visual artist born in Dakar and living in Berlin. He studied at the National Institute of Arts of Senegal. Sculptor at the beginning, his work took a more political and committed turn while arriving in Berlin. In 2000, he created with Baruch Gottlieb and Christian Hanussek a Laboratory of de-berlinisation, a kind artistic plateform to re-think colonial History and the African continent.

Le Salon des Indépendants
This year, KIKK collaborates with Ker Thiossane & The Dakar Bienale with curators Delphine Buysse and Manon Louisgrand Sylla to show a selection of artists from the African Continent in the exhibition.
For the AFRIKIKK, Mansour exhibits Le Salon des Indépendants, which is a part of his Afro-Republic whose unique and imaginary money, the afro, is becoming a methaphore of African countries united. With the Global Pass, this very symbolic artwork is an invitation to draw The Tomorrow’s Africa emancipated from wardship and economical domination and to interpellate the international community about questions mobility’right and freedom of flux.