Vivien Roubaud
Hours and dates
- From 31 Oct 2019 to 3 Nov 2019 / from 10:00 to 18:00
The place
Galerie du Beffroi
Vivien Roubaud
Born in 1986 in Vouziers, Vivien Roubaud lives and works in Brussels. He graduated from DNESP, with honours, at the École nationale supérieure d'art de la Villa Arson (Nice) in 2011, and will be awarded the EMERIGE Revelations Prize in 2014. In his works, the artist seeks to extract unused qualities or hidden properties from objects that he defines as "objects that bring us to life". To do this, it collects common materials (cables, plumbing pipes, old mattresses) in waste collection centres or on sidewalks. The active mixtures it operates confront each other and take shape in precarious and unstable balances. Bypassing functions, disorganizing know-how are research that requires him to take a distant look. Dust or pollen, printer or freezer parts are used to create hybrid installations that often balance on the thread of a technique. His creations frequently recreate microphenomena or microcosms.

Vivien Roubaud seeks to extract unused qualities or hidden properties from objects around us. The active mixtures he operates confront each other and take shape in precarious and unstable balances. For his project Stalactites, he extracted limestone-based stalactites from abandoned buildings in Charleroi and underneath the Brussels’ Canal to give them a second life. Like an encapsulated natural event, the stalactite taken from old buildings is assisted by a machine that perpetuates its expansion. The phenomenon is fragile and its formation too slow to be observed in our temporality.