eVscope (Unistellar) experience
Hours and dates
- 2 Nov 2019 from 18:30 to 20:00
One hundred times more powerful than standard telescopes: The Unistellar eVscope is a revolutionary consumer device that accumulates light to reveal galaxies, nebulae, comets,... in unparalleled crisp and colorful details. Smart and easy to use : turn your Unistellar eVscope on, choose an object on the app, and observe. No need to be an expert on the night sky. In partnership with the SETI Institute, the Unistellar eVscope allows users to join the first worldwide citizen-science network. Anyone can view particular astronomical events like exoplanet transits or supernovae, while contributing to scientific discoveries.
You can experiment eVscope in the courtyard of École Notre Dame (behind the theatre) on Saturday, November 2nd from 6.30pm to 8.00pm (free admission). The experiment will be lasting a few minutes.