
Marie-des-Neiges Ruffo de Calabre

Marie-des-Neiges is a young Belgian philosopher who chose for her thesis one of the most martial subjects of all: "autonomous lethal weapon systems", better known as killer robots. Defended at Sorbonne University, in co-supervision with the University of Namur, her 400-page thesis on "Ethical problems posed by the replacement of humans by robots. The case of autonomous weapons systems" earned her, in 2017, one of the scientific prizes of the French Institute of Advanced National Defence Studies (IHEDN).
(Catherine Vincent, "Marie-des-Neiges Ruffo de Calabre, la philosophie à la vie à la mort" in: Le Monde, 25 mars 2019)


L'IA est-elle le vrai nom de Terminator? (Talk in french)

Artificial intelligence has made spectacular progress over the past decade. What was once only a Hollywood fiction, the extermination of humans by machines that had become intelligent, has now become a reality? Are SALAs, autonomous lethal weapon systems, a reality? What ethical positioning should be adopted in the face of the development of new technologies when they serve war? What impact can we predict from the use of AI in the fields of armaments, firing decisions, and nuclear missile launches?