Superhero Cheesecake
Superhero Cheesecake is an award-winning boutique creative studio from Amsterdam (opening the first US office in 2019), in the business of creating unforgettable interactive experiences. The studio is defined by its obsession with detail, over-delivery and building lasting relationships with its partners and their brands. A relationship of trust is then established for each project.

Adjusting in the digital age
As time goes by, digital trends are becoming nostalgic items. We love to make fun of how design used to look 10 years ago, yet it was the standard that everybody followed. It’s almost a full-time job to keep up to date with the latest trends, so how do you stand out in a world where we are working with technologies that didn’t even exist two years ago? Arne Van Kauter of the creative studio Superhero Cheesecake will look into defending your work, dealing with setbacks and giving your work meaning. Spoiler: there will be pastry involved.