Satellite Explorer
During the "Satellite explorer" workshop, young people from Namur will be led to explore their city by identifying strange shapes and irregularities in the territory on Google Earth.
Workshop concept of Niklas :
Based on the idea of satellite imaging, and with a broad selection of inspiring materials at hand, we want to invent and construct different types of flying machines with which we can capture images from above. In a second step, we will edit the footage. This can happen in the form of video clips, but we can also make large scale collages with prints of the pictures that we have taken.
At the end, we will make an exhibition out of our collected materials and present it in the form of an Alternative Tourist Office, which will be part of KIKK festival.
Workshop concept of Diane :
What does the city look like from up there? What do we find if we go?
Satellite Explorer arrives in Kortrijk and seeks to create a team of explorers (half-human half-satellites). Two days of investigations led by Diane (Diane goes for you) in a small group, to detect the riches (poetic, imaginary or real) of the city, a plunge in the computer screen to the street.
At the end, our discoveries will be revealed in an Alternative Tourist Office which will open its doors on the occasion of the KIKK Festival and which will highlight previously unexplored points.
Workshop in French
Age group: 12-18 years old.
Organized in collaboration with BUDA centre d'art de Courtrai, le service jeunesse de la Ville de Namur and la fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

Niklas Roy & Diane Rabreau
Niklas Roy lives in Berlin and works as an installation artist and as an educator.
Through his work, Niklas explores art, science and technology, often in the form of humorous installations and machines. He likes to make as much as possible by himself, because engineering, constructing and coding is a nice way to keep learning new things. He has exhibited his machines at every continent around the world, except Antarctica.
Today, Diane lives in Brittany and works as a street pedagogue (outdoor joy, essay on social pedagogy, G. Sabin). Tomorrow, she doesn't know. Diane conducts experimental, artistic and educational operations based on the question of landscape, its representation, the experience we have, the story we make of it.