Jacque Njeri
Jacque Njeri is a multi-disciplinary design creative cum visual artist whose work addresses culture, feminism and female empowerment through projected extraterrestrial realities.
She has a Bachelors in Art in Design from the University of Nairobi.
She has released four art projects so far namely 'The Stamp Series', 'The Mau-mau Dream', 'Genesis' and 'The Maasci Series' which saw her receive global acclaim.

This year, KIKK collaborates with Ker Thiossane & The Dak'Art Bienale with curators Delphine Buysse and Manon Louisgrand Sylla to show a selection of artists from the African Continent and the diaspora in the exhibition.
For the AFRIKIKK, Jacque is presenting “MaaSci », a serie of digital collage/photo. She is giving a tribute to the Massai tribe from Kenya, Tanzania and to all african tribes. By incorporating elements from their culture in sci-fi scapes, she is creating new dimension. She is clearly serving in the ranks of afrofuturism which is a XXst century’s cyberculture tending to re-appropriate black imaginary and identity.