Nazanin Fakoor
Rainbow - collaboration with Aftab Darvishi, Tobias Kokkelmans, Swara & KIKK
Hours and dates
- From 31 Oct 2019 to 3 Nov 2019 / from 10:00 to 18:00
The place
Nazanin Fakoor
Nazanin Fakoor was born in Teheran and grew up in Germany, where she studied theatre arts at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich. She continued her education at Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris and subsequently studied scenography at the La Cambre School of Visual Arts in Brussels. Her studies ultimately led her to the border between theatre, literature and the visual arts. In 2004 she met Robert Wilson, who introduced her to his artistic laboratory in New York.
For her new creation, the artist Nazanin Fakoor took on The Conference of the Birds, a literary masterpiece by the Persian mystic poet Farid ud-Din Attar. In Attar’s story, thou- sands of birds search for Simorgh, the mythical bird that symbolises the truth. After many hardships on their journey, only 30 birds reach the end of their quest. Only then do they realise that they themselves are the Si (thirty) morgh (birds).
This beautiful poetry provides the basis for the libretto of Rainbow, with new music composed by Aftab Darvishi for the Swara Ensemble. The immersive installation – lite- rally – reflects our differences and multiple identities. In this way, Fakoor reflects on the myth of a clear-cut national identity and the celebration of difference.
Rainbow is a project that questions identity and its multiple facets. Comparable to rain- bows, formed by the reflection and dispersion of sunlight, we all are the result of an infinity of reflections of the encounters that accumulate throughout history. Our identity is plural, but we are constantly confronted with a simplifying categorization.